The secrets of Eleonor Roosevelt's leadership in the new book by Emilio Iodice

In “The Extraordinary Leadership of Eleanor Roosevelt, Why it Matters Today ,” bestselling author Emilio Iodice reveals the wondrous abilities of an iconic leader who fought for justice and equality and is a role model for the 21st century.

This work recounts his evolution as a person who faced the obstacles of pain, intolerance, ignorance, bigotry and bigotry and was not afraid to take a stand and act. A role model to be studied, admired and followed, an extraordinary leader and a human icon.

“She stood out – underlines Iodice – as the one who transformed problems into opportunities. She sought solutions to help a humanity suffering from hunger, pain, prejudice and war. Eleanor was a beacon of common sense, compassion, and light. She never stood still. She has always acted. Eleanor never gave up and never gave in."

Volumes have been written about Eleanor Roosevelt. Each of them tells about her life and her successes. Eleanor's autobiographies and books are filled with stories of personal challenges and trials. Few talk about her as a human being or about her beliefs, her thoughts and her ideals. Even fewer analyze her extraordinary leadership skills.

Eleanor's words of wisdom serve as a compass to help us navigate through the trials of the 21st century. It's time to bring her back to life as a personality who fought to change the world with her example and her courageous sense of responsibility and leadership. At every stage of her life, Eleanor has learned to lead herself and others.

The Leadership of Abraham Lincoln: Why It Matters Today

Emilio Iodice writes, “The Leadership of Abraham Lincoln: Why It Matters Today—An Historical and Contemporary Portrait of Wisdom, Courage, Compassion and Determination”

Sample chapter:

It was sweltering. The capital was blanketed with sun. The sour smell of the Potomac filled the air. It was Independence Day. Few were celebrating.

He entered the building from a side door. There were rumors of assassination. Guards surrounded him. He went up the marble staircase towards the opening of the great chamber. He glanced at paintings of Washington, Franklin, and scenes of the Revolution.

At the entrance, he reflected on his words and thoughts. The nation faced one of the worst financial crises in its history. Thousands of institutions and businesses had failed. Foreign investors were reducing holdings of US stocks and securities. His predecessor had left him with a staggering deficit. Interest on official loans was climbing. There was doubt as to the ability of the government to fund its obligations. American and European banks were facing insolvency. Public debt was mounting on both sides of the Atlantic. Conflicts were absorbing desperately needed funds for projects to put people back to work.

Unemployment was growing. Protests were happening in various parts of the country. He had been sworn in only a few months earlier, yet it seemed like the office weighed on him like a decade of toil and trouble. His hair was turning grey. Lines were deepening in his forehead.

Suddenly the doors of the chamber opened…

Free PDF download of “The Leadership of Abraham Lincoln: Why it Matters Today”

Lessons from History: The Astonishing Rise to Power of Napoleon Bonaparte

For several years, I taught an undergraduate course in leadership. It focused on leaders from ancient to modern times. At the end of each session, I surveyed the students. One question was, “Of all the personalities studied, who would you like to have been?” The vast majority answered, “Napoleon.” Bonaparte represented a stunning ascent to power, resilience, courage, glory, greatness, and supreme command and control.

I was not surprised.

The Journal of Values-Based Leadership reviews, “The Return of Mussolini: The Rise of Modern Day Tyranny"

Troubling national shifts in policies throughout the world beg retrospection and analysis to determine the proper course of conduct for the future. To do otherwise than wholeheartedly protect both nascent and developed democracies signals irretrievable losses in personal liberties. This is the resounding message of this historical narrative.

Like Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) was a product of World War I and the devastation caused thereby. Grappling with mass unemployment, a shattered economy, and overwhelming budget deficits in Italy, a dominant seat of power was there for the taking by a figure who could control the citizenry, the press, and the military.

Iodice provides the following summary of Mussolini’s ascent to power: The rise of Fascism and Mussolini were predicated upon a concatenation of events which provide parallels to governments in the 21st Century. From the ravages of World War I, Europe had become a fertile breeding ground for the rise of charismatic, jingoistic dictators and Mussolini proved to fit the description. His dominance spawned a cult of personality in Italy, based on the promise of remaking the Roman Empire and therefore, making the country great again. Delusions of grandeur and repressive tactics made him immune from open criticism and political challenge.

USA TODAY reported that "Liberation," by Emilio Iodice reached its Bestseller List.

On December 8th, 2021, USA TODAY reported that "Liberation," by Emilio Iodice reached its Bestseller List.

One of the top achievements for an author is hitting the USA Today best-seller list. It's considered a noteworthy accomplishment because it ranks best-selling books based on sales, not editorial preferences, and only 150 top-selling books are featured every week, among millions of books available for purchase.