Emilio writes for The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, Lessons from History: The Astonishing Rise to Leadership and Power of Napoleon Bonaparte:
For several years, I taught an undergraduate course in leadership. It focused on leaders from ancient to modern times. At the end of each session, I surveyed the students. One question was, “Of all the personalities studied, who would you like to have been?” The vast majority answered, “Napoleon.” Bonaparte represented a stunning ascent to power, resilience, courage, glory, greatness, and supreme command and control. I was not surprised.
More books, articles, movies, and documentaries have been authored about Napoleon than any other leader, except Jesus Christ.
“Though Bonaparte exercised power only for a decade and a half, his impact on the future lasted until nearly the end of the twentieth century, almost two hundred years after his death. Indeed, his influence may not yet be spent. People love reading about him and his spectacular rise, just as in Roman and medieval times they read about Alexander. And they ponder the question: Might I, in comparable circumstances, have done as well?”
We explore his remarkable leadership qualities as we delve into his life and times and stunning rise to power.