Dateline Rome, Italy, February 15, 2023A new book reveals the amazing leadership secrets of Eleanor Roosevelt
In “The Extraordinary Leadership of Eleanor Roosevelt, Why it Matters Today,” USA TODAY and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Emilio Iodice reveals the marvelous skills of an iconic leader who fought for justice and equality and is a model for the 21st century. She stood out as one who turned problems into opportunities. She sought solutions to aid humanity suffering from hunger, pain, prejudice, and war.
Eleanor was a beacon of common sense, compassion, and light.
She never stood still. She always acted.
Eleanor never gave up and never gave in.
Volumes have been written about Eleanor Roosevelt. Each chronicles her life and achievements. Eleanor’s autobiographies and books are filled with stories of challenges and personal trials. Few are about her as a human being or her beliefs, thoughts, and ideals. Even fewer analyze her amazing leadership abilities.Eleanor’s words of wisdom act as a compass to help us navigate through the trials of the 21st century.
It is time to bring her back to life as a personality who fought to change the world with her example and courageous sense of responsibility and leadership. In each phase of her existence, Eleanor learned how to lead herself and others. This work is about her evolution as a person who confronted obstacles of grief, intolerance, ignorance, fanaticism, and bigotry and was not afraid to take a stand and to act.
A new generation needs Eleanor Roosevelt as a guide to know what to do in a time of conflict, contradictions, and anguish. Women have made gains in politics, academia, government, science, business, and many other fields in free societies. This is not the case in nations where dictatorships control the life of people through religious fundamentalism and political tyranny. For example, in Iran and Afghanistan, millions of women of all ages are facing intolerable oppression. In totalitarian regimes, fear is the universal weapon of coercion and subjugation. Many people are unaware of champions of the past who fought bravely for rights the majority of people possess in democracies today. Eleanor Roosevelt was such a fighter. Anyone who cherishes liberty must know about her and her battles and accomplishments, at times against impossible odds. She is a model to be studied, admired, and followed as an extraordinary leader and an iconic human being.
Eleanor Roosevelt would take on the mantle of leadership and fight for equality and justice even if she was not the wife of the President of the United States. Her instincts of fairness and compassion would drive her to lead no matter what her state in life. Her willingness to struggle for impossible causes to realize impossible dreams, at great personal risk, would have led her to assume roles wherever she could make a difference.
This is why she matters more now than ever before.